Education & Outreach
2011 REU @ Nevis Labs
Kristin Hannings, Moravian College
Determining Krypton Concentration in Xenon
At the respective links, one may find
Kristin's report
and presentation on her summer research.
Nathan Holman, Creighton University
XENON 1T Demonstrator
At the respective links, one may find
Nathan's report
and presentation on his summer research.
Christopher Stevens, University of South Florida.
Vacuum Failsafe System and MOT Data Analysis for the ATTA Project
At the respective links, one may find
Christopher's report
and presentation on his summer research.
Adam Xu, Columbia University.
Adam worked on a Compton Coincidence Technique (CCT) project to perform measurements of the scintillation response of liquid xenon(LXe) detector to electronic recoils.
This technique allows measurement of low energy deposition in LXe detector.
The recoiled energy in LXe is determined by measuring the energy deposit of the Comton-scattered gamma-rays in LXe and detected in far detector.
Therefore, checking the performance of far detector is important.
He tested and calibrated two different detectors, NaI(Tl) and High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors with various sources.